Congregational Care & Family Ministries

(updated 6-27-24)   Wishing You Every Blessing of Summer!   There are so many fun things to do this summer. We wish you every blessing for a safe and fun with your friends and family. One of our summer joys is offering our free week-long Vacation Bible School (VBS). This year, from July 8 thru 12, I will be among the “happy campers” as we offer a summer camp adventure with God! Each day from 9:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., we will learn new songs, enjoy a snack, be part of the morning story, do arts and crafts, recreation, and science! So, sign up – bring a friend, wear the color of the day if you can (our first day is purple. Our registration brochure gives us our daily colors and more information), and we will see you soon! – Pastor Jeff – a/k/a “Happy Camper” the Storyteller.

This whole year was a blessing – from the backpack blessing, to our Family Christmas Eve Service, our weekly Children’s Moments and class time – and so much more! Children’s Moments continue through the year, but Sunday School during our 9 a.m. service will resume on September 15. During the Summer, we will have special “Children Activities” folders with a weekly lesson, worksheets and coloring pages that will be handed out at Children’s Time. 

Two special blessings that happened in June was our last day of Sunday School when we finally did have pizza in the box! – and we all enjoyed real pizza, after the kids taught us a new song on the bells. The second event was honoring the graduation of Sophia Cavalieri from Baldwinsville High School. Here, we have graduates from three different levels – Daisy Picco from Nursery School, Pastor Jeff, who just received his M.Div and High School graduate Sophia. Congratulations!