Christian Discipleship
The Baldwinsville First United Methodist Church believes continuing effective ministry in the name of Jesus Christ has two basic components: Make mature disciples and then send those disciples into the world as witnesses.
We offer classes for all ages to help achieve these two goals.
Disciples are made through baptism and a profession of faith. For many of our members, this begins in infancy when their parents present them for baptism. For others, baptism is a decision made as an adult.
Baptized infants are first nurtured in the faith at home and then begin progressing through our children’s church school classes.
They then graduate into our youth classes. At some point in their early teens, they are offered confirmation classes. These classes teach the youth the foundations of our Christian faith, including the history of the United Methodist Church. Youth who complete confirmation classes then decide if they are ready to make a profession of faith.
Adults who have never made a profession of faith are also instructed in the Christian faith by the pastor and given the opportunity to make their personal profession.
Adult believers grow their faith with our core adult classes which study individual books of the Bible.
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